Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Beginning

It all started in the 5th grade. I got made fun of.. I got called fat, ugly, stupid.. The usual.
 When I apparently " Wasn't " fat.. I thought so and still do. Well at first it didn't bother me i got use to it you know? But then my brother started calling me fat and stuff.. And I look up to my brother... So what he would tell me I took it in.. Then everything started getting to me. Before all this I didn't care what anyone thought of me or anything. But everything changed. I started softball because my friend did.. I loved it and still do.. But anyways, I thought I need to go on a diet and lose weight.. So I did.. At first I just did my sport and yeah I lost a pound or two but that wasn't enough.. So I made my food portions smaller. A couple more pounds come off.. But all this wasn't enough so I increased my excercise and cut out a meal (dinner).. More weight off. But then it just didn't feel like enough.. It became and obesession. Everytime I ate I would run for like 2-3 hours and do 500 crunches. But I needed to do more.. I dropped out another meal ( lunch ). I told my parents I ate school lunch when I didn't even go through the line.. Most of this started the summer going into the 7th grade. In the 7th grade I didn't eat breakfast ( I told my parents I ate at school) and I didn't eat lunch. But I had to eat dinner.. At first my parents thought it was a stage and I thought all I was doing was losing weight.. But it was much more. I excercied untill i felt like I was going to faint with only putting about 400 calories in my body into me.. ( I didn't count calories back then) Well my parents noticed the major weightloss and became concerned.. I would always complain about stomach pains so, my mom brought me to the doctor.

    They weighed me. They were very concerd as how much weight I had lost in a month (30 lbs) I was very proud.. They did my vitals and heart rate. It was very low.  Well I told the doctor about my stomach pains she asked my questions and I answered. She left then came back.. She sat there quiet and then came out with it slowly.... I believe your daughter has an eating disorder, Anorexia. I was like what is that. I didn't even know there was a such thing as an eating disoder before that. I was in denial. Well came back a later week more weight loss.. Vitals still low. She recommended me to a Out-Patient eating disorder facility..

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